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Beyond the Grid: Powering the Final Frontier – Seraphim Space

Featuring an interview with Maureen Haverty, Principal Investor at Seraphim Space

Welcome to “Beyond the Grid,” a Q&A series that delves into the pivotal role of power in space. Through interviews with leaders in space technology, we explore the challenges, strategies, and innovations shaping the future of space power. In this installment, we had an enlightening conversation with Maureen Haverty, Principal Investor at Seraphim Space and industry expert who provides insights on power systems, supply chains, and the future of space-related technologies.

Addressing Power-Related Challenges

Q: What are the biggest power-related challenges you expect portfolio companies in space to face over the next five years?

Maureen:  Power systems need to be efficient, and they need to have affordable access to solar. Companies will need to design higher power systems on time, ensuring efficiency. Solar panels must be cost-effective and have good lead times to support manufacturing as we scale up.

Analysis: The primary challenge lies in balancing efficiency and affordability in power systems, especially solar panels. As space technology scales up, maintaining cost-effectiveness and timely manufacturing is crucial. 

Evaluating Investments in Power Technology

Q: How do you evaluate investments in companies that aim to maximize the reliability, cost efficiency, and performance of solar arrays?

Maureen: One of the key things we look at is whether the company has a large enough market to make it investable. Investors are looking for a large market and high enough margins to make it an attractive investment.

Analysis: For investments in solar technology or any component companies, the market size and potential for high margins are critical. This ensures that the investment is not only viable but also profitable. The focus on market potential underscores the importance of scalability and broad applicability in the space industry.

Supply Chain Impact

Q: How do you see supply chain issues affecting the ability of companies in the space sector to develop and design power systems?

Maureen: Long lead times in development can make it difficult to design something new. If you’re waiting for six months or a year for something to come in, it hampers fast design cycles essential for high growth or innovative businesses. Companies failing to deliver promised performance can force redesigns or disappoint customers. Ideal suppliers meet specifications on time and deliver as promised.

Analysis: Supply chain reliability is crucial for the fast-paced innovation required in the space sector. Long lead times and unfulfilled promises can significantly hinder development. Prioritizing suppliers who deliver on time and meet specifications is essential to maintain the momentum of innovation and customer satisfaction.

The Critical Role of Solar Power

Q: How critical do you believe solar power will be in enabling the next generation of space-related technologies?

Maureen: Solar power is incredibly important. Higher power is a huge driver, especially for communication satellites. With advancements like Starship, satellites will become more high-performance, larger, and equipped with better sensors—all fueled by power. High power is essential for everything from mobility in space to in-space servicing and potentially large-scale solar power applications.

Analysis: Solar power is the backbone of future space technologies. The demand for higher power is driven by both government and commercial needs. The advancements in satellite performance, fueled by solar power, enable a wide range of applications from communication to in-space mobility. The push for higher power reflects the evolving requirements of space missions and the critical role of solar energy in meeting these demands.

Maureen’s insights highlight the essential role of power systems in the space industry. By focusing on efficiency, affordability, and reliable supply chains, companies can overcome significant challenges and drive innovation. The critical importance of solar power underscores its role as the lifeblood of future space technologies. 

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Beyond the Grid: Powering the Final Frontier – Seraphim Space